FTIR / Raman spectroscopy
Spectral fingerprints of proteins
Figure 1: stretching oscillation of the water molecule
Figure 2: Bending vibration of the water molecule
Fundamentals of vibration spectroscopy
To understand the basics of vibrational spectroscopy, each molecule can be thought of as a collection of several masses (the atoms) and connecting elastic springs (the atomic bonds). Along each spring the connected masses can oscillate. The respective oscillations depend on the spring, the masses involved and the angle between the springs, and are highly characteristic. The resulting oscillation spectra can be measured in the infrared spectral range in absorption and with Raman spectroscopy in scattering.
In contrast to this classical model (mass spring), the quantum mechanical model excites discrete vibration levels. Therefore, one speaks of vibration spectra. The figure above shows the stretching and bending vibration of the water molecule and the two resulting IR absorption bands. These two bands are characteristic for a water molecule. The resulting spectra are therefore characteristic for the molecule in question and comparable to fingerprints, which can be used to identify the molecules label-free.
Molecular resolution in proteins
With small molecules, the individual bands can be clearly assigned to the respective oscillations of the molecule. In proteins, FTIR (Fourier Transform Infrared) difference spectroscopy can be used to select the bands of the active centre from the background absorption of the total protein (129). Static FTIR difference spectroscopy was introduced by Siebert, Mäntele, and Gerwert in 1983 (2). This involves freezing an intermediate at low temperatures. The individual difference bands could for the first time be clearly assigned to specific molecular groups, such as aspartic acids using isotope labelling (3,8), or even more precisely, to a single aspartic acid using site-specific mutagenesis (19).
This was the decisive breakthrough of the method, which was initially viewed very critically because only very small changes are selected against the strong background absorption of the entire protein, similar to a needle in a haystack. An important next milestone was the establishment of time-resolved FTIR differential spectroscopy, which allows the simultaneous measurement of the different reactions in a protein at room temperature in a time-resolved manner and thus the protein dynamics (13, 14, 18, 20). Based on time-resolved FTIR spectroscopy, it is now possible to produce films of protein dynamics complementary to X-ray structure analysis, which provides static images of the ground state. The precise simultaneous start of the protein reactions is crucial for difference spectroscopy. This method is therefore particularly suitable for proteins with chromophores, because in these cases the reaction can be started with a laser flash (105, 158). By introducing photolabile, so-called “caged” compounds, such as caged GTP, the method could be extended to non-chromophoric proteins (59, 169).

Figure 3: Michelson interferometer of an Agilent Cary 620 FTIR spectrometer.
Tissue and cell diagnostics
In cells and tissues, so many bands of proteins, DNA and RNA, lipids and other metabolites overlap in the spectrum that individual bands can no longer be specifically assigned. However, the spectra form a fingerprint that integrally reflects the totality of these molecules and which differs according to the cell compartment or tissue type. If the spectra are recorded with the help of a microscope in spatial resolution and different colours are then assigned to the different spectra in spatial resolution, a label-free index colour image of the cell or tissue is obtained. Bioinformatics evaluation with unsupervised and supervised classifiers plays a central role in this pattern recognition. The different colours then distinguish different molecular areas. Using IR (infrared)(148), Raman (152), CARS (Coherent Anti-Stokes Raman) (195) and SRS (stimulated Raman scattering) microscopy, tissues and cells can thus be classified label-free.

Figure 4: The IR absorption spectrum is as characteristic for the identification of a protein as the human fingerprint
Press releases
Press review
External Funding Validierung und Standardisierung des Workflows zur Proteindiagnostik
005-GW01-139Z PURE – Protein Research Unit Ruhr within Europe

005-GW01-139Z Center for Vibrational Microscopy – Aufbau einer unternehmensorientierten Transferplattform für vibrationsspektroskopische Methoden zur Analyse von Wirkstoffen und zur Früherkennung von Krankheiten
Key Publications
Key Publications
Key Publications
Yosef et al Analytical Chemistry 2017
Kötting & Gerwert Biological Chemistry 2015
Gerwert et al BBA Bioenergetics 2013
Kallenbach-Thieltges et al Journal of Biophotonics 2013
Gerwert & Kötting European Journal of Biochemistry 2010
Garczarek & Gerwert Nature 2006
Cepus et al Methods in Enzymology 1998
Gerwert et al FEBS Letters 1990
Gerwert & Hess Mikrochimica Acta 1988
Gerwert Berichte der Bunsengesellschaft für Physikalische Chemie 1988
Gerwert et al Photochemistry and Photobiology 1984